1·In that context, you can see why you sometimes have to withdraw support from the person - but even there, it's problematic.
2·But now the Federal Reserve has put these markets on notice that it plans to withdraw its support for them.
3·Turkish support will be critical as America prepares to withdraw from Iraq and switch its focus to Afghanistan.
4·Far more inexplicable is the decision to withdraw the Sentinel R.1 Airborne STand Off Radar (ASTOR) from service when it is' no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan '.
更令人费解的是让“哨兵”R . 1机载远程雷达(ASTOR)在“不再需要支持在阿富汗的行动”时退出现役的决定。
5·Over the same period support for loosening Britain’s ties to the EU has risen from 36% to 51%, and those who want Britain to withdraw from it have almost doubled, from 12% to 21%.
6·In previous cases, McMillan has found some of these patients were happy, had a sense of humor and wanted to live despite previous court applications to withdraw life support.
7·The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball.
该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话, 它将不再提供支持。
8·Over the same period support for loosening Britain's ties to the EU has risen from 36% to 51%, and those who want Britain to withdraw from it have almost doubled, from 12% to 21%.
9·As such, requests to discontinue oxygen should be honored with the same judiciousness as requests to withdraw other forms of life support.
10·But Hakan II, our young and inexperienced sovereign, has seen fit to withdraw the support of Caldeum from the wastes and leave those who live there to their own devices.